The Fountain of Youth: Chapter One

Activating The Fountain of Youth.

Craving the Fountain of Youth? You've found it! Embrace these tenants, and unlock eternal vitality!

The Fountain of Youth, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. Its allure has been so compelling that countless leaders and rulers across the globe have squandered vast resources in a relentless quest to find it. The legendary general, Alexander the Great, was even consumed by a desire to uncover this fabled wellspring of rejuvenation. In Japan, whispers of hot springs with the capacity to restore one’s youth fueled countless myths and legends. Yet, despite  these claims, there remains a glaring absence of documented evidence to confirm the existence of such a fountain. But, I know a secret unknown to others: the Fountain of Youth does indeed exist, concealed in the most unexpected of places. The key to unlocking its power lies within our very essence. Embrace these sacred tenets, and you shall uncover the true nature of the Fountain of Youth, unleashing the potential for eternal vitality that resides within each and every one of us.

Tenant One: Conquer Inflammation

Inflammation, the insidious saboteur of your inner Fountain of Youth, lies at the heart of all disease, even the dreaded cancer.

This stealthy adversary thrives on stress and the deprivation of love, sapping the very essence of our vitality and well-being.

With unwavering determination, embracing the powerful trio of yoga, exercise, and meditation/prayer can dramatically diminish stress.

Notably, working out stands as one of the few methods for bolstering bone strength.

Additionally, yoga works wonders for cardiovascular health and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Though we’ll delve into meditation’s benefits later, it’s clear that these three activities form the Holy Trinity of Health.

Tenant One: Conquer Inflammation

To begin, what do you think stands between you and the activation of your inner Fountain of Youth? Medical professionals may have already guessed: it’s none other than inflammation, a response triggered by the immune system to defend your body. The prevailing theory suggests that inflammation is the root of all disease. Cutting-edge studies reveal that nearly every ailment, including cancers, originates from inflammation. For instance, Maria Abreu, a distinguished health professor at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine, discovered a link between inflammation and colon cancer. This is just one among countless studies demonstrating the connection. It’s important to note that inflammation is a crucial immune system mechanism that helps fight off infections. The real problem lies in chronic inflammation and instances of unwarranted inflammation. But what fuels inflammation? Research indicates that stress and a lack of emotional support are primary culprits in driving this detrimental response.

Tenant Two: Be Happy with Serotonin

Serotonin, the brain’s “feel-good” chemical, plays a crucial role in fostering happiness and well-being.

Alas, serotonin levels are often found to be alarmingly low! But why? The answer lies within our gut, which is responsible for producing a staggering 95% of our serotonin. What do we fill our guts with? Garbage, that right! 

Engaging in prayer or a spiritual activity can increase serotonin. 

Low serotonin levels wreak havoc, amplifying stress and casting a shadow over our overall health and happiness.

There is no path to happiness; happiness is the path. This is the true treasure map to the Fountain of Youth.

Naturally, taming stress is no small feat. However, if you possess the willpower, incorporating exercise, meditation, and yoga into your routine can work wonders in reducing stress. Three separate studies have shown that these activities significantly alleviate stress. Additionally, exercising and lifting weights can strengthen your bones, as revealed in another study—a crucial finding considering the limited ways to fortify our bones. Furthermore, a distinct study uncovered that yoga can greatly enhance cardiovascular health. Meditation also has profound health benefits that we’ll explore later, but the essence of this is that these three activities form the Holy Trinity of Health. Keep in mind that, along with their plentiful benefits, these activities combat stress, subsequently curbing inflammation—the underlying cause of all diseases.

Tenant Two: Be Happy With Serotonin

Serotonin, the chemical responsible for overall happiness, is the next critical key to reducing stress. Unlike its more fickle counterpart, dopamine, serotonin tends to remain more stable. Our local church priest always reminds us that turning to Jesus leads to a permanent state of joy—a state that relies heavily on our serotonin levels.  Indeed, engaging in prayer/meditation can increase serotonin levels, which promotes feelings of well-being and fosters a deeper sense of spirituality. Unfortunately, for most Americans, their serotonin levels are shockingly low. The reason? A revealing study discovered that a whopping 95% of all serotonin is produced in the gut. And what do many Americans fill their gut with? Garbage, plain and simple! Another study confirmed that low serotonin levels contribute to stress. By consuming healthy foods, you can bolster your serotonin levels, alleviate stress, and reduce inflammation. There is no path to happiness; happiness is the path. This is the true treasure map to the Fountain of Youth.

Tenant Three: Get Plenty of Grounding

Looking for a hassle-free way to reduce inflammation without resorting to grueling workouts and exertion of willpower? Ground yourself and unlock a host of benefits! A recent study has revealed that grounding can significantly curb inflammation. But what exactly is grounding? Think electrical problems: all outlets are equipped with a ground wire that channels any malfunctions straight to the earth, discharging any harmful energy. Similarly, when your skin makes contact with the earth or grounded objects, you too become grounded, allowing for a multitude of health benefits. After all, our bodies are meant to be grounded all the time. So, how do you ground yourself? Simply walk barefoot on the earth! Prefer not to go barefoot everywhere? No worries, affordable grounding mats can be placed on your bed, grounding you as you snooze. Why don’t more people take advantage of this? Firstly, it’s a new concept, and secondly, it threatens the profits of the pharmaceutical industry, which capitalizes on the proliferation of diseases like cancer.

Tenant Four: Use the Highest Quality Water

Tenant Three: Get plenty of Grounding

Struggling to lower inflammation without expending too much effort? Don’t worry, grounding is here to help.

Research has shown that grounding can substantially reduce inflammation levels.

So, how can you ground yourself? It’s easy – just step outside barefoot to walk on natural ground or embrace a tree.

If walking barefoot or hugging trees doesn’t quite suit your style, consider investing in a grounding mat. It can provide grounding benefits as you sleep.

Let’s shift gears and discuss an essential element in our lives: water. If you frequently rely on plastic bottled water, it’s time to reconsider that choice. A study discovered that 93% of bottled water exhibited signs of plastic contamination. Although no definitive research exists on the impact of microplastics on humans, it’s unlikely that they’re beneficial. This study offers insight into potential effects of microplastics on our bodies.

Tap water also warrants caution. While the quality of tap water varies, a common issue is its fluoridation. This article highlights the negative health impacts of fluoride, which, contrary to popular belief, isn’t beneficial. The real problem arises when we use tap water for cooking, washing our hands, and showering. Cooking foods like rice, potatoes, or soups with tap water causes them to absorb fluoride, rendering them potentially harmful. Furthermore, this study reveals that fluoride can be absorbed through the skin. Although showering and handwashing are necessary, be aware that you’re exposing yourself to low concentrations of a potentially harmful substance. These small amounts can accumulate over time, given how frequently we wash our hands and consume water.

Spring water and reverse osmosis water are excellent alternatives to tap and bottled water for those seeking higher quality drinking water. Spring water, sourced from natural springs, often boasts a high level of purity and a refreshing taste, along with beneficial minerals. Reverse osmosis water, on the other hand, undergoes a thorough filtration process that effectively removes impurities and contaminants, providing clean and safe water. Both options cater to individual preferences while promoting environmental sustainability and reducing plastic waste associated with bottled water consumption.

Tenant Five: Don’t Sleep on Fasting

It may seem like much of what we consume is harmful, but fear not, for there’s a super secret cheat code to help cleanse our bodies of these toxins: Fasting. This ancient practice, revered across numerous religions, has recently found scientific validation for its numerous health benefits. Fasting is akin to unlocking the Fountain of Youth within ourselves!

Organizations like the True North Foundation employ fasting for cancer treatment, with several articles attesting to its advantages. Even the American Cancer Society has published an article on the subject. 

While some might argue that depriving oneself of food is unhealthy, it’s quite the contrary when done correctly. However, it’s important to note that fasting should be avoided during menstruation, as it may exacerbate symptoms or cause hormonal imbalances. Start slow, and remember to stay hydrated. You don’t have to imitate Jesus in the desert; simply embrace the power of fasting to rejuvenate your body and mind.

Tenant Four: Use the Highest Quality Water

Stop drinking water from plastic bottles! A staggering 93% of all water in plastic containers contains micro-plastics.

Here’s a study examining the potential effects of microplastics on humans. To sum it up, the results are not good!

Stop drinking tap water! Tap water is unappealing and contains fluoride, which may lead to various negative physiological effects.

When you cook rice, potatoes, or pasta with fluoridated water, the fluoride gets absorbed into the food you eat.

Fluoride can also be absorbed through the skin, potentially causing health issues. Keep this in mind every time you shower and wash your hands!

Tenant Five: Don’t Sleep on Fasting!!

Here’s a little-known life hack that effectively removes toxins from the body: fasting.

The True North Foundation and the ALCS have conducted studies highlighting numerous positive benefits of fasting, including cancer prevention. It’s crucial to note that fasting should be avoided during menstruation, as it may worsen symptoms or create hormonal imbalances.

Many worry that self-starvation is unhealthy. However, quite the opposite is true; simply begin gradually and ensure you stay hydrated.  You don’t need to be Jesus in the desert here.

Jimmy Peskar

Bachelors in Biology


Jimmy Peskar

Bachelors in Biology


Works Cited

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